Tuesday, May 7, 2013


Went out to my camp in tioga county pa to fish the Hendrickson hatch. I found the fishing good, the water low! I guess the snow was not so heavy this year AND it melted very fast cause of such warm weather so early. Almost every day was in the mid to high seventies this trip with no rain, it was cold at night but not as cold as it should be for this time of year. So the creek warms up! It got up into the low sixtys in the afternoons and that made for crazy caddis hatches. Thicker then I have ever seen there! Of course the fish were on a smaller caddis then the size 16 green body that was most of what was hatching, a size 18 black body was working well and the Hendricksons showed up a couple days after I did and you could get some fish on the spinner size 14 seemed best. BUT! most of my fish were on a size 18 beadhead caddis nymph that had some sparkle to it. I would fish 2 of these little suckers and 2 Hendrickson beadhead nymphs size 14 to 16 all tied off the bend of the hooks, an indicator 8ft up the leader from the last fly and very small split shot to get it down. I want to catch trout, not just cast a dry fly all day and get three fish. I know the nymph fishing I do is rough,can be hard to cast such a unwieldy rig but IT CATCHES TROUT! That is what I want to do! not wait til the dry fly fishing gets good next week or whatever, I want to get TROUT NOW!
With low water you don't do too much on streamers so they did not do much for me but others had some luck as they beat the water harder then I did. As it turns out I caught fish every day both in the morning and after 6.00 pm til dark that is when the dry flies worked best, after 6.00 at night. The trip was great but I worry that the water wont be there for long if we don't get some real good amounts of rain.          

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