Yesterday I went to the KEN LOCKWOOD GORGE in CALIFON NJ. Califon is short for California!
That is what they used to call this Town. I think because of how beautiful it is!
I heard from the guys that Fish there, that they just stocked a bunch of Brook Trout, So I Fished a big white Saltwater Clouser about 4 Inchs long. This thing belongs on a 4oz Hobkins ITS HUGE FOR FRESHWATER! But they catch trout in the Spring so I fish them. I,m using my 6wt sage sp with a rio 150 dc sink tip line leader down to 1x. this I call my Commercial rod. Water temp 49 degrees. I started catching these Brookies right away and caught 9 before the rain started to fall HEAVY! then they started to go nuts for it! I caught 3 more in the heavy downpour but have to quit cause of lightning,DAMM! I really wanted to stay but to much risk of a lightning strike hitting me. I really think that this part of the south branch of the Raritan River is the best, and should be fished by everyone at least once.
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